Wound Healing
Praktische Informatie
19h45 - 19h50: Welcome - Prof. Marjan Garmyn
19h50 - 20h20: Wound Dressings - Prof. Hilde Beele
20h20 - 20h30: Q&A - Prof. Hilde Beele
20h30 - 21h00: Skin Necrosis - Prof. Véronique del Marmol
21h00 - 21h10: Q&A - Prof. Véronique del Marmol
21h10 - 21h20: Clinical Case: Who is hiding in this wound? - Dr. Gilles Absil (CHU Liège)
21h20 - 21h30: Clinical Case: Sporotrichoid distributed wounds of the lower limb:
a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge - Dr. Dario Ahangari (UCL)
21h30 - 21h40: Clinical Case: An unusual breast ulcer. What's your diagnosis? - Dr. Paulien Driesen (KUL)
21h40 - 21h50: Clinical Case: une composante systémique a une nécrose agressive ? - Dr. Marine Beeckman - ULB
21h50 - 22h00: Clinical Case: when radio-frequency turns wrong - Dr. Mathieu Ziraldo - UCL
22h00 - 22h15: Q&A
22h15 - 22h30: Conclusions - Prof. Marjan Garmyn
Moderators: Prof. Marjan Garmyn, Prof. Hilde Beele