About the Professional Union of Belgian Dermatology and Venerology (PUBDV)

The Professional Union aims to increase awareness on the medical specialty of dermatology and venerology and to defend the professional interests of her members.

Our Mission

The Professional Union of Belgian Dermatology and Venerology (PABDV) is a society in accordance with the legislation regarding professional associations (law of March 31, 1898).

The Society was founded in 1948 and is recognised under the number 6351.

The statutes of the Union Professionnelle Belge de Dermatologie et Vénérologie (Belgian Professional Union of Dermatology and Venereology) (to comply with the Companies and Associations Code of 23/03/2019) approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of 28/10/2022 (MB 25/04/2023)

Board Members

The Board was elected on the general assembly of February 18, 2014 and is composed as follows:

President: Dr. Koen Roegies

Vice-presidents : Dr Béatrice De Donder, Dr Johan Snauwaert and Dr Alain Van Staey

Secretary : Dr Hugo Boonen

Treasurer : Dr Carine Nootens

Responsible for sponsoring:

Advising members: Dr Bernard Bouffioux (observer for the RBSDV), Dr Freddy Hamerlinck, Dr Bieke Heykants, Dr Thomas Maselis.

Dermanet website

Visit Dermanet, the website of the professional union