Poster Abstracts BDD 2025



The board will strive for quality and innovation in accepted abstracts.

The maximum poster abstract length is 400 words including references. Abstracts must be written in English, in Word format (Calibri font size 11) and contain the following items:

  • Title
  • Author: The initial letter of the name(s) and the full surname for each author must be provided. Do not include degrees or titles.
  • Affiliations: Each author should be listed by institution, city and country.
  • Text with references
  • Tables and figures (graphs) are allowed and they are not taken into consideration for the character count.
  • Photos of patients and body parts are permitted provided that the patients are not recognizable by any specific signs (eyes, tattoos, etc.).


The deadline for submitting poster abstracts is 15 January 2025 23:59.

The board of the Royal Belgian Dermatological Society will review and announce its decision end January 2025.

The accepted abstract authors will be requested to prepare a poster which will be exposed during BDD 2024.

The poster guidelines will be communicated at the time of abstract approval. The deadline for submitting the poster is 1 March 2025.